Here's a quick list of the Frequently Asked Questions about our company! If you have a question that isn't answered here, feel free to message us directly on the "Contact Us" page. We'd be happy to assist you :)

How long does shipping take?

Shipping can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks (after processing) but could be more depending on your location. You should receive a purchase confirmation email once you order something from us! If you don't receive an email, contact us via the "Contact Us" page. Because of high demand customers are not able to track their orders.

What is your return policy?

You can return your item before shipping has taken place. Once the product is delivered to you, you can email us and ship it back. We will give you a full refund. It's that easy!

What happens if I don't receive my item within the described shipping time?

We offer a 60-day money back guarantee. If you don't receive your purchased item(s) within that time, you will be issued a full refund.

How do I contact you in regards to my purchase or a product?

You can email us! Our contact information is on the "Contact Us" page